Eating and living right starts with how well you are versed with the two topics. For you to achieve those fitness goals you need to conquer your mental inertia and here are some books that can help you to win this battle.

Grit and Grace by Tim McGraw

This is another book that focuses on your mind before getting your body to follow suit. This book teaches you about combining the two to get the perfect strategy for your exercise program. If you want some other book suggestions on strategy then this article has some nice suggestions.

The Fitness Mindset by Brian Keane

An excellent book for helping you get your mind right as you plan to get your body in shape. This is one the best books to jump start and help you meet your fitness goals. After getting that perfect pair of tights from Aim’n this books now ignites that impetus that keeps you going.

As a Diet Coach by John Gorman

Sometimes, people have personal questions concerning their fitness journey and do not know where to get the right answer. This book is written from questions directed to the author by different people. From supplements to muscles gain and through fat loss, you will find some answers you might need.

The Vegan Cookbook for Athletes by Nicolas Benfatto

If you want to adopt a vegan diet then this book has all the tips, tricks and answers you require.